Our Story

Listen to what Great Clips Stylists are saying

Welcome to Oliverio Clips!

We are a locally owned company operating 27 Great Clips salons in the Phoenix Metro Area. I opened my first Great Clips salon in 1988. We now have salons in nearly every city in the Phoenix Metro Area.

As owner, I have always put the highest priority on treating all our staff respectfully and fairly. I have an open door policy to all employees. My cell phone number is on the phone lists in each of our salons. Any staff member can call or text me if they believe their concerns or issues are not being addressed by their Salon Manager, District Manager or the General Manager.

We conduct online surveys periodically in which all our stylists can provide me with direct feedback. We continue to make changes in our salons based on the response of our stylists to these surveys! We listen to our stylists!

Owner, Oliverio Clips

Take the First Step and Apply Now!

Or Call /Text Abby at 602-686-2251